Video: Kidi Walks Out During Live Interview After Host Embarrassed Him

Video: Kidi Walks Out During Live Interview After Host Embarrassed Him

Dennis Nana Dwamena, better known as KiDi walks out on Nana Romeo Welewele of Accra FM during a live interview session after the host of the show expressed his displeasure about the attitude which Kidi put up making him (Kidi) feel embarrassed.

The host of the Ayekoo Ayekoo programme on Accra FM stated how displeased he was about Kidi not showing up on time for the interview.

He mentioned that he has never had anyone coming late to his interviews except Kidi.

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Nana Romeo Welewele said the time scheduled for the interview had passed so he sees no reason why he should continue with it.

Kidi on the other hand felt attacked and embarrassed by the behaviour of the host. He apologized for not showing up on time for the interview.

After Kidi apologized, he walked out of the studio because the interview had been cancelled anyway.

Below is the video of what ensued between Kidi ans the host.

Share your thoughts with us. Was it the best thing to do? Was the host right?